Sweeping along an axis can be represented by matrix multiplication. Given the matrix \(A\) and diagonal matrix \(D\), \(DA\) is equivalent to multiplying each row \(i\) of \(A\) by \(d_{ii}\), and \(AD\) is equivalent to multiplying each column \(j\) of \(A\) by \(d_{jj}\) A = matrix(runif(50000),ncol=100) w = apply(A, 1, norm, '2') all(abs(sweep(A,1, w, '/') - (diag(1/w) %*% A) ) < .Machine$double.eps) ## [1] TRUE It is reasonably expected that the sweeping operation on invidual row/column vector will be more efficient than the equivalent matrix operation, because no additional memory will be required to store the non-diagonal entries of \(D\).

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Trang Tran
