Fast SVD

Singular value decomposition is an expensive operation. For rectangular matrices with significant different dimensions, i.e. very “fat” or “thin” matrices, there is a trick to make the computation cheaper. This trick is implemented in fast.svd() of the R package corpcor. Calculate SVD The singular value decomposition of a matrix \(M\) of size \(m \times n\). \[ M = UDV^T \] \[ \begin{align} MM^T &= (UDV^T)(UDV^T)^T \\ &= (UDV^T)V(UD)^T \\ &= UD (V^TV) (UD)^T \\ &= UD(UD)^T \quad (V\text{ is orthogonal}) \\ &= UDD^TU^T \\ \end{align} \] Thus the decomposition of \(MM^T\) gives \(U\) and \(D^2\).

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Trang Tran
