This task is an embarrassingly parallel task, as explored in a previous post.

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import time
from scipy.stats import pearsonr
from pyspark import SparkContext, SparkConf
from scipy.sparse import coo_matrix

## The measurement (input data) is specified in a matrix
## samples x variables
m = 150
n = 1000
measurements = np.random.rand(m*n).reshape((m,n))
nThreads = [1,2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16]
dt = np.zeros(len(nThreads))

for i in range(len(nThreads)):

    ## Parameters
    NMACHINES = nThreads[i]
    conf = (SparkConf()
            .setMaster("local[%s]" % NMACHINES)
            .set("spark.driver.maxResultSize", "2g")
            .set("spark.executor.memory", "2g")
            .set("spark.driver.memory", "2g"))
    sc = SparkContext(conf = conf)
    ## Preparing for computation
    ### Sharing the input matrix across workers
    m_local = sc.broadcast(measurements[:,:])
    indices = sc.parallelize(range(m_local.value.shape[1]))
    cart = indices.cartesian(indices)
    unique_pairs = cart.filter(lambda p: p[0] <= p[1]).repartition(NPARTITIONS)
    ### Defining the core task
    def corr(pair):
        x = m_local.value[:, pair[0]]
        y = m_local.value[:, pair[1]]
        pcc = pearsonr(x, y)
        return (pair[0], pair[1], pcc[0], pcc[1])
    ### Running and collecting results
    results =
    start = time.time()
    tmp = np.array(results.collect())
    pcc_mat = coo_matrix((tmp[:,2], (tmp[:,0], tmp[:,1]))).todense()
    pcc_evalue = coo_matrix((tmp[:,3], (tmp[:,0], tmp[:,1]))).todense()
    dt[i] = time.time() - start
    print("Calculated pairwise PCC in %ss\n, using %s threads." % (dt[i], NMACHINES))
## Using Spark's default log4j profile: org/apache/spark/
## Setting default log level to "WARN".
## To adjust logging level use sc.setLogLevel(newLevel). For SparkR, use setLogLevel(newLevel).
## 17/11/15 16:20:54 WARN NativeCodeLoader: Unable to load native-hadoop library for your platform... using builtin-java classes where applicable
## 17/11/15 16:20:54 WARN Utils: Your hostname, neurocan resolves to a loopback address:; using instead (on interface enp5s0)
## 17/11/15 16:20:54 WARN Utils: Set SPARK_LOCAL_IP if you need to bind to another address
## 17/11/15 16:20:55 WARN Utils: Service 'SparkUI' could not bind on port 4040. Attempting port 4041.
[Stage 1:>                                                          (0 + 1) / 4]
[Stage 1:>                                                          (0 + 2) / 4]
[Stage 1:==============>                                            (1 + 1) / 4]
[Stage 1:==============>                                            (1 + 2) / 4]
[Stage 1:=============================>                             (2 + 1) / 4]
[Stage 1:=============================>                             (2 + 2) / 4]
[Stage 1:============================================>              (3 + 1) / 4]
17/11/15 16:21:26 WARN Utils: Service 'SparkUI' could not bind on port 4040. Attempting port 4041.
[Stage 0:============================================>              (3 + 1) / 4]
[Stage 1:>                                                          (0 + 2) / 8]
[Stage 1:=======>                                                   (1 + 2) / 8]
[Stage 1:==============>                                            (2 + 2) / 8]
[Stage 1:======================>                                    (3 + 2) / 8]
[Stage 1:=============================>                             (4 + 2) / 8]
[Stage 1:====================================>                      (5 + 2) / 8]
[Stage 1:============================================>              (6 + 2) / 8]
[Stage 1:===================================================>       (7 + 1) / 8]
17/11/15 16:21:42 WARN Utils: Service 'SparkUI' could not bind on port 4040. Attempting port 4041.
[Stage 0:==========================================>              (12 + 4) / 16]
[Stage 1:>                                                         (0 + 4) / 16]
[Stage 1:==========>                                               (3 + 4) / 16]
[Stage 1:==============>                                           (4 + 4) / 16]
[Stage 1:=====================>                                    (6 + 4) / 16]
[Stage 1:=========================>                                (7 + 4) / 16]
[Stage 1:=============================>                            (8 + 4) / 16]
[Stage 1:===================================>                     (10 + 4) / 16]
[Stage 1:==========================================>              (12 + 4) / 16]
[Stage 1:=================================================>       (14 + 2) / 16]
17/11/15 16:21:52 WARN Utils: Service 'SparkUI' could not bind on port 4040. Attempting port 4041.
[Stage 0:=================================================>       (31 + 5) / 36]
[Stage 1:>                                                         (0 + 6) / 24]
[Stage 1:=======>                                                  (3 + 6) / 24]
[Stage 1:============>                                             (5 + 6) / 24]
[Stage 1:==============>                                           (6 + 6) / 24]
[Stage 1:=====================>                                    (9 + 7) / 24]
[Stage 1:=======================>                                 (10 + 6) / 24]
[Stage 1:==========================>                              (11 + 6) / 24]
[Stage 1:============================>                            (12 + 6) / 24]
[Stage 1:=================================>                       (14 + 6) / 24]
[Stage 1:===================================>                     (15 + 6) / 24]
[Stage 1:======================================>                  (16 + 6) / 24]
[Stage 1:========================================>                (17 + 6) / 24]
[Stage 1:==========================================>              (18 + 6) / 24]
[Stage 1:=============================================>           (19 + 5) / 24]
[Stage 1:=================================================>       (21 + 3) / 24]
[Stage 1:====================================================>    (22 + 2) / 24]
[Stage 1:======================================================>  (23 + 1) / 24]
17/11/15 16:22:00 WARN Utils: Service 'SparkUI' could not bind on port 4040. Attempting port 4041.
[Stage 0:=============================================>           (51 + 8) / 64]
[Stage 1:>                                                         (0 + 8) / 32]
[Stage 1:=>                                                        (1 + 8) / 32]
[Stage 1:=========>                                                (5 + 8) / 32]
[Stage 1:============>                                             (7 + 8) / 32]
[Stage 1:==============>                                           (8 + 8) / 32]
[Stage 1:================>                                         (9 + 8) / 32]
[Stage 1:=====================>                                   (12 + 8) / 32]
[Stage 1:==========================>                              (15 + 8) / 32]
[Stage 1:============================>                            (16 + 8) / 32]
[Stage 1:================================>                        (18 + 8) / 32]
[Stage 1:=======================================>                 (22 + 8) / 32]
[Stage 1:========================================>                (23 + 8) / 32]
[Stage 1:==========================================>              (24 + 8) / 32]
[Stage 1:==============================================>          (26 + 6) / 32]
[Stage 1:=====================================================>   (30 + 2) / 32]
17/11/15 16:22:08 WARN Utils: Service 'SparkUI' could not bind on port 4040. Attempting port 4041.
[Stage 0:=============================>                         (54 + 10) / 100]
[Stage 0:================================================>      (88 + 10) / 100]
[Stage 1:>                                                        (0 + 10) / 40]
[Stage 1:====>                                                    (3 + 10) / 40]
[Stage 1:============>                                            (9 + 10) / 40]
[Stage 1:==============>                                         (10 + 10) / 40]
[Stage 1:===================>                                    (14 + 10) / 40]
[Stage 1:=========================>                              (18 + 10) / 40]
[Stage 1:============================>                           (20 + 10) / 40]
[Stage 1:==============================>                         (22 + 10) / 40]
[Stage 1:====================================>                   (26 + 10) / 40]
[Stage 1:=======================================>                (28 + 10) / 40]
[Stage 1:==========================================>             (30 + 10) / 40]
[Stage 1:=============================================>           (32 + 8) / 40]
[Stage 1:====================================================>    (37 + 3) / 40]
17/11/15 16:22:14 WARN Utils: Service 'SparkUI' could not bind on port 4040. Attempting port 4041.
[Stage 0:===================>                                   (52 + 12) / 144]
[Stage 0:=============================>                         (76 + 12) / 144]
[Stage 0:===========================================>          (115 + 12) / 144]
[Stage 1:>                                                        (0 + 12) / 48]
[Stage 1:==>                                                      (2 + 12) / 48]
[Stage 1:=========>                                               (8 + 12) / 48]
[Stage 1:==============>                                         (12 + 12) / 48]
[Stage 1:================>                                       (14 + 12) / 48]
[Stage 1:========================>                               (21 + 12) / 48]
[Stage 1:============================>                           (24 + 12) / 48]
[Stage 1:==============================>                         (26 + 12) / 48]
[Stage 1:===================================>                    (30 + 12) / 48]
[Stage 1:========================================>               (35 + 12) / 48]
[Stage 1:===========================================>            (37 + 11) / 48]
[Stage 1:==============================================>          (39 + 9) / 48]
[Stage 1:=====================================================>   (45 + 3) / 48]
17/11/15 16:22:21 WARN Utils: Service 'SparkUI' could not bind on port 4040. Attempting port 4041.
[Stage 0:=================>                                     (63 + 14) / 196]
[Stage 0:===========================>                          (101 + 14) / 196]
[Stage 0:=======================================>              (144 + 14) / 196]
[Stage 0:======================================================>(195 + 1) / 196]
[Stage 1:>                                                        (0 + 14) / 56]
[Stage 1:===>                                                     (3 + 14) / 56]
[Stage 1:============>                                           (12 + 14) / 56]
[Stage 1:=============>                                          (13 + 14) / 56]
[Stage 1:===============>                                        (15 + 14) / 56]
[Stage 1:=======================>                                (23 + 14) / 56]
[Stage 1:==========================>                             (26 + 14) / 56]
[Stage 1:=============================>                          (29 + 14) / 56]
[Stage 1:=================================>                      (33 + 14) / 56]
[Stage 1:=======================================>                (39 + 14) / 56]
[Stage 1:============================================>           (44 + 12) / 56]
[Stage 1:=============================================>          (45 + 11) / 56]
[Stage 1:=================================================>       (49 + 7) / 56]
17/11/15 16:22:28 WARN Utils: Service 'SparkUI' could not bind on port 4040. Attempting port 4041.
[Stage 0:=========>                                             (45 + 16) / 256]
[Stage 0:==================>                                    (85 + 16) / 256]
[Stage 0:==========================>                           (125 + 16) / 256]
[Stage 0:====================================>                 (174 + 16) / 256]
[Stage 0:===============================================>      (226 + 16) / 256]
[Stage 1:>                                                        (0 + 16) / 64]
[Stage 1:====>                                                    (5 + 16) / 64]
[Stage 1:===========>                                            (13 + 16) / 64]
[Stage 1:==============>                                         (16 + 16) / 64]
[Stage 1:===================>                                    (22 + 16) / 64]
[Stage 1:======================>                                 (26 + 16) / 64]
[Stage 1:===========================>                            (31 + 16) / 64]
[Stage 1:===============================>                        (36 + 16) / 64]
[Stage 1:===================================>                    (40 + 16) / 64]
[Stage 1:=========================================>              (47 + 16) / 64]
[Stage 1:=============================================>          (52 + 12) / 64]
[Stage 1:================================================>        (55 + 9) / 64]
Calculated pairwise PCC in 28.9915158749s
## , using 1 threads.
## Calculated pairwise PCC in 15.4083008766s
## , using 2 threads.
## Calculated pairwise PCC in 9.2317237854s
## , using 4 threads.
## Calculated pairwise PCC in 7.85476899147s
## , using 6 threads.
## Calculated pairwise PCC in 6.78391695023s
## , using 8 threads.
## Calculated pairwise PCC in 5.52394413948s
## , using 10 threads.
## Calculated pairwise PCC in 5.55993890762s
## , using 12 threads.
## Calculated pairwise PCC in 5.4174580574s
## , using 14 threads.
## Calculated pairwise PCC in 5.60311603546s
## , using 16 threads.
## [ 28.99151587  15.40830088   9.23172379   7.85476899   6.78391695
##    5.52394414   5.55993891   5.41745806   5.60311604]
timing = data.frame(list(nThreads=c(1,2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16),
                         dt=c(29.79623985, 15.88540912, 10.55040097,  7.22993422,  6.71909809, 5.69363284,  5.91960597,  5.47642398,  5.65171599)))
ref = timing[1,'dt']
timing[,'SpeedUp'] = ref/ timing[,'dt']
ggplot(timing,aes(x=nThreads,y=SpeedUp)) +
    geom_point() +
    geom_line() +